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Quantitative Aptitude DI

Here we are providing new series of Quantitative Aptitude Questions for upcoming exams, so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions?

The following pie chart 1 shows the amount invested by 5 persons on scheme P which provides simple interest and pie chart 2 shows the amount invested by those 5 persons on scheme Q which provides compound interest and the bar graph shows the rate of interest provided for those 5 persons (rate of interest is varies for person to person).

Total amount invested in scheme P = Rs. 10 lakhs

Total amount invested in scheme Q = Rs. 5 lakhs


The rate of interest is same for both simple and compound interest.

1) The total period amount invested by person A on scheme P is 3 years and the interest received by person A on scheme P is Rs. 34000 more than the interest received by the same person on scheme Q. Then find the time period the amount invested by person A on scheme Q?

a) 4 years

b) 3 years

c) 1 year

d) 2 years

e) None of these

2) The simple interest earned by person C on scheme P is Rs. 80000 and the total time period the amount invested by person B on scheme Q is 2 years. Then find the difference between the total amount received by person F on scheme P to that of the total amount received by person B on scheme Q, if the amount invested by person F on scheme P is 20 % less than the amount invested by person B in the same scheme and rate of interest is 10 % and the time period is equal to the amount invested by person C on scheme P?

a) 122876

b) 105642

c) 117250

d) 128458

e) None of these

3) Find the ratio between the total time period the amount invested by person E on scheme P to that of scheme Q, if the interest earned by person E on scheme P is Rs. 33000 and the total amount received by person E on scheme Q is Rs. 137812.5?

a) 4 : 3

b) 3 : 2

c) 1 : 2

d) 2 : 3

e) None of these

4) The total time period the amount invested by person B, D and E in scheme P is 2, 5 and 3 years respectively. Then find the average simple interest earned by person B, D and E together?

a) 51000

b) 60000

c) 48000

d) 55000

e) None of these

5) Find the product of total time period the amount invested by person C and D on scheme Q, if the interest earned by person C and D on scheme Q is Rs. 25971.2 and Rs. 30369.6 Respectively?

a) 9 years

b) 8 years

c) 10 years

d) 6 years

e) None of these

Answers :

1) Answer: C

The amount invested by person A on scheme P

= > 1000000 * (15/100) = Rs. 150000

The amount invested by person A on scheme Q

= > 500000 * (22/100) = Rs. 110000

According to the question,

[(150000 * 10 * 3) / 100] - [110000 * ((1 + (10/100))n - 1)] = 34000

[110000 * ((1 + (10/100))n - 1)] = 45000 - 34000

[110000 * ((1 + (10/100))n - 1)] = 11000

[(100 + 10) / 100]n = (1/10) + 1

(11/10)n = (11/10)1

So, n = 1

The time period the amount invested by person A on scheme Q

= > 1 year

2) Answer: A

The amount invested by person C on scheme P

= > 1000000 * (25/100) = Rs. 250000

The amount invested by person B on scheme Q

= > 500000 * (18/100) = Rs. 90000

The amount invested by person B on scheme P

= > 1000000 * (20/100) = Rs. 200000

The amount invested by person F on scheme P

= > 200000 * (80/100) = Rs. 160000

The simple interest earned by person C on scheme P = Rs. 80000

(250000 * 8 * n) / 100 = 80000

n = (80000 * 100) / (250000 * 8) = 4 years

The total amount received by person F on scheme P

= > 160000 + (160000 * 4 * 10) / 100

= > 160000 + 64000

= > Rs. 224000

The total amount received by person B on scheme Q

= > 90000 * [(106/100)2]

= > Rs. 101124

Required difference = 224000 - 101124 = Rs. 122876

3) Answer: B

The amount invested by person E on scheme P

= > 1000000 * (22/100) = Rs. 220000

The interest earned by person E on scheme P = Rs. 33000

(220000 * n1 * 5) / 100 = 33000

n1 = (33000 * 100) / (220000 * 5) = 3 years

The amount invested by person E on scheme Q

= > 500000 * (25/100) = Rs. 125000

The total amount received by person E on scheme Q = Rs. 137812.5

125000 * [(105/100)n] = 137812.5

[(105/100)n] = (137812.5 / 125000)

[(105/100)n] = 11025 / 10000

[(105/100)n] = (105 / 100)2

n = 2 years

Required ratio = 3 : 2

4) Answer: D

The amount invested by person B on scheme P

= > 1000000 * (20/100) = Rs. 200000

The amount invested by person D on scheme P

= > 1000000 * (18/100) = Rs. 180000

The amount invested by person E on scheme P

= > 1000000 * (22/100) = Rs. 220000

Required average

= > {[(200000 * 6 * 2) / 100] + [(180000 * 12 * 5) / 100] + [(220000 * 5 * 3) / 100]} / 3

=> (24000 + 108000 + 33000) / 3

=> Rs. 55000

5) Answer: A

The amount invested by person C on scheme Q

= > 500000 * (20/100) = Rs. 100000

The amount invested by person D on scheme Q

= > 500000 * (15/100) = Rs. 75000

The total time period the amount invested by person C on scheme Q

= > 100000 * (108/100)n = 125971.2

= >(108/100)n = 125971.2 / 100000

= >(27/25)n = (19683 / 15625)

= >(27/25)n = (27/25)3

So, n = 3 years

The total time period the amount invested by person D on scheme Q

= > 75000 * (112/100)n = 105369.6

= >(28/25)n = (105369.6 / 75000)

= >(28/25)n = 21952 / 15625

= >(28/25)n = (28/25)3

So, n = 3 years

Required answer = 3 * 3 = 9 years